My Night Routine

My Night Routine

Updated December 2023

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Last Sunday, I shared with you all my morning routine. Which, personally, I think has more impact than a night routine. But both are very important because they create balance. Things I do at night affect how smoothly my morning routine goes.

This night routine has been hard for me to stick to because I work till 10 or 10:30 at night, and when I come home, I just want to collapse into bed. But that is neither healthy nor productive. So, I have developed a routine that only takes one hour but is beneficial and helps set me up to wake up on the right side of the bed the next day.

This ritual does not involve any screens. I don’t look at my phone, watch any TV, or get on my laptop. This has been hard for me, but helps me wind down so much more. If you think this part of a routine is hard for you, then just take it step by step. Maybe do every other night without your phone, or start with no phone 10 minutes before bed, and then 20 minutes, etc.

So below, I have listed what I do every night now. It is short and simple but effective and has made my life a lot better!

My Schedule

10:30 pm

Change out of my work/day clothes and put on my sleep clothes.

Tidy up the apartment-pick things up off the floor, wipe off counters, put clothes away, etc.

Do all the dishes and wipe down the kitchen counters. This is the hardest thing for me because it takes a lot of energy at the end of the day. But I just remember that I am going to wake up to a kitchen with no dirty dishes!

Do a 5-10 minute stretching/yoga routine.

Read for what time I have left while drinking a protein shake.

Brush my teeth and wash my face (once I have five minutes left before 11:30)

Lights out!

11:30 pm

Final Thoughts

So, as you can see, that is a one-hour block, but I am not applying specific time intervals for each activity. I feel by doing this, I am less rushed and stressed about everything I need to get done. So overall, I make my apartment clean, stretch and relax my muscles, read, and get ready for bed. By doing this every night, I am able to fall asleep faster, and both my mind and body feel relaxed. It’s almost like a reward because, once I put on my sleep clothes, I know that the day is over and I am done!

My routine won’t work for everyone, but some people could benefit from it! You could always try and follow it exactly or make some tweaks, both with the timing and activities. Whether this routine works for you or not, I suggest you try and put some consistency in your evenings and see if it makes a difference for you personally!

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