8 Ways to Love Your Mind and Body (That Don't Include Exercise or Nutrition)

8 Ways to Love Your Mind and Body (That Don't Include Exercise or Nutrition)

Updated November 2023

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How many of us neglect our bodies, whether it be through not nourishing them right, not moving them enough, or simply not loving them? Almost everyone, which might include YOU. If this is the case, know that you are one of many.

Ways to love your body and mind include sleeping naked, meditating, making to-do lists, engaging in creative hobbies, lying in the grass, cleaning your house, and making bucket lists.

Today’s society and the overwhelming amount of content thrown in our faces every day can be a negative distraction from what we really need to be spending our time on. Everyone is different and has a variety of needs, but below, I have listed what has made me personally feel amazing. I hope you can make some of these habits in your own life!

Sleep Naked

I love nothing more than the feeling of clean sheets (affiliate link) on my body after a long day. Sleeping naked has many benefits, including calming anxiety, reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, and vaginal health. It also causes you to bring more attention to your physical body and can make you feel a little bit sexier!


Both morning and night, what keeps my mind at peace is engaging in 10 minutes of meditation. When this becomes a daily practice, it truly can be transformed. You can become a calmer person overall with reduced anxiety and more positive thought processes and connect with yourself both spiritually and creatively.

Make a To-Do List

Something that has really helped me become more productive is my to-do list. I have always had a list somewhere on my phone that contained things I needed to get done at one point or another. But this minor acknowledgment has led to an unorganized mind and things not getting done on time. So, I learned to start making a to-do list the night before. Right before I go to bed, I will pull out my productive journal (affiliate link) and write down everything that needs to get done the next day. And if you really want to take it to the next level, you can put what order you plan on doing everything in and how long you suspect each task will take.


Volunteering is something that you always hear people suggest you do, but how beneficial is it really? Well two parties are being affected by this action, not just who you are helping, but also yourself. Volunteering on a regular basis (once every one or two weeks) releases endorphins in the brain, which causes you to feel happier. You are realizing your worth in society and that you actually can make a difference, no matter how small it may be. It also helps you take a step back from your own life, which you are probably obsessed with without realizing it, and pay more attention to the world and people around you.

Engage in a Creative Hobby

I cannot stress this one enough! Once a person’s life becomes all work and no play, their health slowly deteriorates. You could be eating perfectly and going to the gym every day, but if you are not loving your creative side, then there will always be something missing. I personally love painting portraits with acrylic. This is what I spend any extra time I have doing. I am always tempted to get ahead in work otherwise, or just watch Netflix, when I see I have a few extra hours, I have to remind myself that there are other things that I could benefit from spending my time on. Whether it be art, photography, or woodwork; find something that challenges the right side of your brain and brings you happiness!

Lay in the Grass

I know this seems like a weird one…but it actually helps. Nature is what we were meant to be spending our time in, not four walls and a ceiling with artificial heat and cooling. But that is how it is now, and we have to make an extra effort to spend enough time outside. If you have a backyard, go outside every day for a couple of minutes and just lay in the grass. Feel the blades create a blanket around you, observe the blue sky dotted with clouds, absorb the warmth that the sun brings, and just breathe. This will do wonders for your stress levels and help you slow down for a moment. And if you don’t have a backyard, find a park close by and make this a goal a couple of times a week!

Clean Your House

A cluttered house leads to a cluttered mind. It can be refreshing to take an hour to go through every room in your house or apartment and clean up. This can pertain to normal routine cleaning or finally going through your closet and giving away a quarter of your clothes that you just know you don’t wear anymore. I have finally developed the habit of cleaning my apartment for 20 minutes every day. This is a small amount of time to give up each day yet still keep the place consistently clean. I encourage you to try and make this a habit yourself.

Make a Bucket List

This is by far my favorite of the eight. I created my first bucket list when I was about fourteen and have been adjusting it and adding to it ever since. I believe that a bucket list can help you identify your possible purpose in this life, as well as remind you that there is always something to be excited about in the future. I have over 100 items on mine now, and nothing would make me happier than to be able to cross every single one of those items off my list before I die. Another benefit of having a bucket list is that it makes you step away from a routine life. You can’t just go to work or school and then come home and repeat. There are things you need to be working towards outside the norm. And it is so exciting and rewarding when you are able to accomplish that item, whether it be because you’ve been working on it for so long, it scared you, or it was just exciting in general!

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