How Coffee is Actually Good For You

How Coffee is Actually Good For You

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Good ole coffee. From the skinny latte to the travel mug, there are various ways to enjoy your coffee during the day or night. With the caffeine perking you up, there is a soothing effect that also takes place from the moment you take your first sip. Despite this, it is important to know how coffee actually does a body good.

With that, it may come as a surprise to know that there is a lot of good in coffee and the fact that many studies can back this fact up. With coffee having many beneficial properties, women are more prone to the safeguards that coffee provides against cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s disease. 

While the first thing that many think of about coffee is caffeine, there is also a huge amount of other substances, such as antioxidants, to help protect the body and decrease inflammation.

What Coffee Actually Is

In order to have a complete understanding of coffee, it is important to know what coffee actually is and where it originates. By definition, coffee is a brewed beverage made with either cold or hot water that is poured over roasted coffee beans that have been ground.

The coffee beans used stem from a coffee plant and are found within its fruit, which is referred to as a cherry. Ripening and harvesting of the fruit then occur within a year.

Although coffee has a bitter and acidic taste, there are a significant amount of health benefits involved. 

The Health Benefits Of Coffee

It is good to know that you have some great benefits to enjoy from drinking coffee. In fact, below are some proven benefits of drinking coffee and how it is actually good for you.

Your Life Expectancy Can Increase

Research has shown that women who drink coffee can expect a longer life expectancy by preventing kidney disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Enhanced Metabolism Of Glucose

Research has shown that enjoying a cup of coffee helps the body to metabolize glucose better and prevents type 2 diabetes from developing.

Coffee Can Prevent Parkinson’s Disease

Besides lowering your chances of Parkinson’s disease, coffee has also been shown to help sufferers control movement.

Decreased Chance Of Colon Cancer

According to research, there is a 26% less chance that 1 in 23 women will experience some form of colorectal cancer.

Possible Negatives Of Coffee

Man with a headache.

While coffee has some great benefits, there are also some negatives that come along with enjoying your favorite morning beverage. Below are a few to be aware of.

  • Heartburn

  • Restlessness

  • Headaches

  • Anxiety

  • High blood pressure

These effects can take place regardless of whether you have a sensitivity to caffeine or the amount of coffee you drink daily.

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