5 Tips for Overcoming Self-Consciousness While Exercising

5 Tips for Overcoming Self-Consciousness While Exercising

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One of the biggest things that holds us back from embarking on a fitness journey is feeling self-conscious. It’s incredibly normal to struggle with confidence when beginning something new, especially working out. This is so common, in fact, that a term was recently coined to describe the unpleasant sensations of anxiety and insecurity some people feel at the gym – “gymtimidation.” Of course, these anxieties about exercising are not exclusive to the gym but can be felt in any public space and by people with varying levels of experience. 

If you find that your insecurities are holding you back from accomplishing your health and fitness goals, there are actions you can take to help conquer these fears. Whether you're someone who is going to a gym for the first time or a seasoned gym rat that's looking to switch up your routine, here are five tips for overcoming insecurities you may feel while exercising. 

Find a Workout Buddy 

If you’re new to exercising, a great way to overcome anxieties is to find yourself a workout buddy! Research shows that exercising is “socially contagious.” In other words, the more people you know who exercise, the more likely you are to exercise as well. You probably already know at least one person who likes to work out; ask if you can tag along on their bike ride or join them at their favorite yoga class. Odds are, they will be excited to show you the ropes and introduce you to their fitness community

Alternatively, there is a strong chance you aren’t the only person you know who has the itch to start exercising but is in need of a little push. If you find someone in a similar position, get out your planners and find a set time you can both commit to. This alone is a great motivator because you can hold one another accountable for following through. Once you begin, you’ll find there are many benefits to working out with a friend! 

Having a workout buddy by your side means having someone you can relate to, which will help you believe in yourself. In fact, exercising with a friend pushes you to go longer than you would alone. Overall, you’ll find that you feel significantly more comfortable exercising when you have a friend by your side, and you’ll likely have a lot more fun too! 

Treat Yourself to Activewear That Makes You Feel Confident 

They say it’s important to “dress for success,” and this is certainly true for people at the beginning of their fitness journey. The clothing we wear affects our mindsets, as well as our abilities. When we intentionally choose clothes that we associate with a certain task, such as working out, we’re more likely to perform the task better

Shopping for activewear (affiliate link) before you’ve begun exercising may feel strange–almost as though you haven’t “earned” it yet–but what if finding a pair of yoga pants you really love is the final nudge you need to overcome the self-consciousness that’s been holding you back? 

It’s important to choose activewear that makes you feel like a budding fitness expert, but don’t forget to pick items that also express your personal style. You’ll feel happier and more empowered if you love what you’re wearing. Consider this your permission to treat yourself to activewear that you feel confident, comfortable, and authentic in. 

Focus Your Attention Inward

Self-consciousness stems from feeling overly aware of how we believe people perceive us. Instead of focusing on the people around you, try going inward. Putting headphones (affiliate link) on and blasting music that motivates you can help you enter your own little world and drown out your surroundings. 

Consciously focusing on how your body is feeling can also ease anxiety and put you into a more relaxed, meditative state while working out. It is, of course, important for your safety to be aware of your surroundings, especially when running outside or biking down a busy street; use your best judgment based on where you’re exercising! 

The More You Switch it Up, the Easier It Becomes 

Let’s say you are a gym enthusiast. You’ve been going for years and feel completely confident in your abilities, but you just moved to a new city that’s known for its beautiful trails, and you want to give hiking a try. It can be daunting to try something new, especially when you’re accustomed to a specific routine. 

You’re probably not thrilled by the idea of feeling unsure of your abilities, but rather than let this hold you back, let it motivate you. You’ll find that the more you try different types of exercises, the easier it becomes to be open to more. Not only does switching up your exercise keep things exciting and fresh, but it also helps lower your fear of the unknown, which in turn boosts your overall confidence! 

Remember, Everyone’s Been a Beginner 

At first, it might feel like you’re the only person who’s never used an elliptical before. Of course, you know everyone you see using one once had to hop on for the very first time. 

When doubts creep in and tell us that we don’t know what we’re doing, that we’re frauds, that everybody thinks we don’t belong, and so on, pause for a moment and remind yourself that these are simply your fears talking and nothing more. You deserve to be at the gym, on the sidewalk, in the bicycle lane, and at the class; you belong there just as much as anyone else!

Final Thoughts 

It’s completely natural to feel insecure when we’re trying new things. Exercising in public can be intimidating, especially when it feels like everyone else knows what they’re doing. We can overcome these discomforts and any fears we may have about our capabilities. It takes time to build confidence and overcome feelings of self-consciousness. 

Finding a workout buddy and activewear, you love will help get you excited about your fitness journey. Focusing inwardly and switching up your exercises will help you stay motivated. Reminding yourself that you are not alone and that everyone has had to conquer their own fitness fears will help you continue to feel empowered. 

Overall, self-consciousness is normal, but you don’t have to let it hold you back from accomplishing your health and fitness goals.

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