15 Ways to Make Happiness Come Easier

15 Ways to Make Happiness Come Easier

Updated November 2023

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Everybody just wants to be happy. Although I cannot give you the key to happiness, I can give you some ideas of how you can make your life better!

Habits that may increase your happiness include not comparing yourself to others, learning new things, gratitude journaling, and volunteering. Doing these things regularly can result in an evolved mindset.

Read on to learn about 15 habits you can start working on developing to have day-to-day happiness come a bit easier.

1. Looking Forward

Wake up and write down all the things, big and small, that you are looking forward to that day (at least three).

2. Don’t Compare

This one is hard, but by not comparing ourselves to others, we recognize our own individual worth.

3. Do What You Love

Spend 30 minutes every day doing something that you enjoy and find fascinating. 

4. Love People

Think highly of others and recognize the good in everybody you interact with.

5. Learn New Things

Set time aside to learn something new every week, whether it be watching a TED Talk or YouTube video on some random thing you find interesting. You could also do things like finally picking up that guitar (affiliate link) or researching a topic you know nothing about.

6. Fake It Till You Feel It

Even if you’re not feeling happy, go ahead and pretend you are and act like it. Hopefully, you will be able to convince yourself!

7. Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journal.

Make a list of ten things you’re grateful for from each specific day in a gratitude journal (affiliate link).

8. Don’t Be Mad

Forgiving and not holding grudges is really hard to do, but choosing to hold on to the anger actually takes a toll on your body physically.

9. Be Positive

It’s hard to keep negativity out of your life, especially when you’re surrounded by it, but staying positive can keep heaviness from weighing down on you.

10. Be Busy But Not Rushed

Make a schedule either in the morning or the night before so you know that you will be kept busy but never be rushed. Being rushed increases stress levels and doesn’t allow you to perform your tasks to the best of your abilities.

11. Five Friends

Studies show that the happiest people have strong relationships with five friends. Decide who those people are in your life and spend time with each of them at least once a month.

12. Volunteer

Two women volunteering.

Volunteer at least once every two weeks. Choose a cause you are passionate about to increase your chances of sticking to it.

13. Spend Money On Other People

We all know that giving feels better than receiving! You can do anything from giving a dollar to a charity box at a store to buying a family member a gift. It doesn’t matter how big or small; try to do something every two weeks.

14. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Little things going wrong can build up, but if you let stuff breeze over, then everything will turn out better.

15. Take Care of Your Body

If your body is happy, then your mind will be a lot more likely to be happy. This is probably the biggest commitment out of all the happiness items.

You will need to exercise five days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. If you want to exercise easily in the comfort of your home, consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link)!

Also, eat healthily and try to get enough sleep — at least seven hours every night.

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