How to Lose Belly Fat in 3 Days

How to Lose Belly Fat in 3 Days

Updated January 2024

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When someone is making a commitment to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, one of the most burning questions tends to be, “How can I lose belly fat quickly?” That’s where our eyes go when we look in a mirror, and we want to address it sooner rather than later. 

Is there a trick or secret to getting rid of the visceral fat hanging out around the stomach, kidneys, and other abdominal organs? Unfortunately, there’s no trick at all, and you cannot spot reduce fat. However, there is a way to lose belly fat that’s sustainable.

To lose belly fat, start with a simple plan that includes improving your diet, such as eliminating sugar and choosing more lean fats and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy carbohydrates and processed foods. You also want to move around as often as you can during the day, drink more water, and regularly get a good night’s sleep.

Keep reading to learn if you can lose belly fat in three days and the details of how to lose weight healthily.

Can You Lose Belly Fat in Only 3 Days?

Woman riding back with personal trainer supervising.

It is possible to reduce your belly fat quickly, but that loss will be minimal. Consider it a starting point and a sign that you’re on the right track. After all, you’ll feel a lightness that may boost your mood and feel like a bit of success in the beginning. 

Keep in mind that the general appearance of fat disappearing from the belly could just be a reduction of bloating. How is bloating connected to belly fat? Bloating makes your stomach feel larger than normal. This is typically caused by gas trapped inside the intestines or abdomen. 

Get rid of that, feel better, and keep going.

Can You Target Belly Fat?

Woman getting her waist measured.

You can’t specifically target belly fat when you begin a healthier lifestyle. Even if you change your diet to mostly low-fat foods and start exercising doesn’t mean tummy fat is the first to go.

Where and how excess fat accumulates on your body and subsequently disappears is often more about genetics than anything else. The good news? Losing weight will shrink your middle area, and that means a reduction of visceral fat that contributes to a flabby belly.

If you stick with a healthier diet and exercise routine, not only will this give you a flat tummy, but it will also reduce your risk of certain diseases. That’s reason enough to get started right away!

3 Ways to Get Rid of Bloating

Woman holding donut and apple.

1. Help Your Body Better Digest Food

Do this by eating smaller meals spread throughout the day, rather than the more traditional bigger meals only three times a day. Some folks call it grazing and insist it’s better than waiting until you’re hungry when you’re more likely to overeat.

Your body will get used to working a little all day through consistently breaking down food, and that will help you better digest meals. You also want to take smaller bites and thoroughly chew your food.

Drink water with your meals and consider taking an evening stroll to help aid your body during this process.

2. Exercise More

Find ways to exercise moderately to vigorously for at least an hour. Start off walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes at a time. Then, when you’re ready to kick it up a notch, start jogging or riding your bike (affiliate link) and increase this to an hour or more.

Other low-impact sports, such as swimming, can do wonders for getting rid of tummy fat. You might also want to include various team sports that allow you to surround yourself with supportive friends who understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. 

Other ways to keep moving throughout the day include parking farther away when running errands and opting for stairs instead of elevators when you can. Set an alarm to remind you to get up from your desk periodically and walk around the house or office.

3. Reduce Sugar in Your Diet

An easy way to remove sugar from your diet, along with unwanted calories, is to stop drinking sugary liquids. For example, most juices and sodas are full of sugar.

If you want to get the benefits of fruit, eat whole pieces a few times a day. The fiber in fruit actually helps contribute to a flat tummy. 

Unfortunately, juicing removes that helpful fiber and you’re just left with mostly sugar. Drink water instead. Eliminate sugar-coated cereal, dairy desserts, and processed food as well.

5 Ways to Lose Belly Fat By Lowering Body Fat Percentage

Shirtless man holding side plank.

1. Exercise at Least One Hour a Day

Exercising at least an hour a day is vital to lowering body fat percentage. You will see a reduction in belly fat the more you incorporate aerobic exercise into your daily routine.

This isn’t just about sit-ups or movements that focus exclusively on the abdomen. In fact, when you have a varied fitness routine, you are more likely to lose visceral fat along with arm and back fat. This means your shrinking belly fat will be an added bonus as you improve your overall health!

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

2. Focus On Building Muscle Mass

The best fitness regime includes moderate strength training along with aerobic exercise. Lifting weights, repeating certain load-bearing exercises, and other ways to get toned will help you see consistent results in your shrinking waistline.

When you cross-train and lose weight while building lean muscle mass, you’ll feel and look better every day. Muscle growth also helps your body burn more calories even while you’re resting.

3. Commit to a Healthier, Tastier Diet

Eating right and maintaining a lower weight doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste. A balanced diet doesn’t have to be expensive, either.

For example, many delicious meals can incorporate marinated fish, chicken, or lean meats. Add them to garden salads or rice bowls with toppings such as olives, avocado, tomatoes, spinach, and other natural goodies.

 Mediterranean diets have been known to reduce body fat and benefit other parts of your body, such as the cardiac and digestive systems. Introducing yogurt also leads to a healthier gut and reduces tummy size.

There are all kinds of ways to enjoy healthy eating while you are losing weight.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially with meals. Water keeps your food digesting and allows your organs to function better. Make sure you drink water at room temperature when possible to aid your body in reducing gas so you continue to feel less bloated.

5. Prioritize High-Quality Sleep

Studies consistently show that adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. You’re less likely to overeat, feel stressed, and skip workouts if you’re well-rested.

In fact, some evidence suggests that people getting less than five hours of sleep were far more likely to stress eat and gain weight as a result. When the body is unable to get the energy it needs from sleep, hunger increases to get you to eat more food to provide the additional energy.

Fat Loss Fads to Avoid

Two green juices with apple and cucumber.

Fat loss fads sometimes work for a short period of time. People lose water weight or drop valuable muscle, step on the scale, and think, “Success!” However, this is unhealthy and not at all realistic.

Fads don’t lead to a healthy lifestyle. People cannot sustain these types of diets over the long haul and eventually give up. 

When people choose a quick fix, they feel depleted of vital nutrients and then get angry. This leads to binge eating and often more weight gain than what was lost. This feels awful and causes hormonal fluctuations, guilt, and anxiety. 

Instead of falling victim to the latest in fad diets, develop overall healthy lifestyle habits. When you eat right, exercise, and logically take in fewer calories while burning more energy, you’ll enjoy more success over the long haul.

Don’t deprive yourself. Eat delicious healthy foods, even some treats here and there, and get good exercise. This will lead to a healthier lifestyle, and yes, a reduced waistline, that will keep you feeling better both physically and mentally.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I drop 20 pounds fast?

It’s not easy, but if you can make a commitment and incorporate the following habits, you will see the pounds drop steadily. Start small by doing the following: 

  • Cut down on calories. 

  • Include more fiber in your diet. 

  • Eat more protein. 

  • Sleep more at night. 

  • Avoid complex carbohydrates. 

  • Increase your aerobic exercise routines. 

  • Drink plenty of water every day.

How can I get a flat stomach without exercise?

A flat stomach requires you to combine eating right with exercise. However, if you eat a plant-based diet with fewer carbs and more lean proteins, this will help move you towards a flat tummy without much sweating. You should also include more unsaturated fatty acids.

How can I lose weight healthfully?

Losing weight and slimming down your waistline in a healthy manner is possible if you make sure to: 

  • Buy and stock healthy snacks at home, work, and school.

  • Stay hydrated. 

  • Avoid refined carbs. 

  • Limit sugar, especially in drinks. 

  • Eat more lean protein. 

Stop buying and eating processed foods, especially those high in salt.

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