9 Exercises That Start With Z

9 Exercises That Start With Z

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as Z, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with Z include zercher squats, zottman curls, zumba, zen stretch, zigzag sprints, zhan zhuang, zirkonflex, zone 2 training, and zu li hu.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.

Zercher Squats

Zercher squats are an effective lower body exercise that involves holding a barbell in the crook of your elbows, placing a unique emphasis on the legs, glutes, and core. This unconventional squat variation challenges stability and intensifies muscle engagement.


1. Barbell Setup: Begin by placing a barbell in a squat rack at waist height. Position yourself facing the bar and hook your elbows under it, establishing a comfortable grip.

2. Lift the Bar: Lift the bar from the rack, allowing it to rest in the crook of your elbows. Maintain a firm grip and keep the elbows pointed forward.

3. Stance and Posture: Assume a shoulder-width stance with toes slightly turned outward. Brace your core, ensuring a straight back.

4. Squat Descent: Lower into a squat, pushing your hips back and bending your knees while keeping an upright torso.

5. Return to Starting Position: Drive through your heels to ascend, maintaining control and proper form throughout.

Zottman Curls

Zottman curls are a versatile arm exercise that targets both the biceps and forearms, promoting balanced muscle development and grip strength. Named after the 19th-century strongman George Zottman, this curl variation involves a unique combination of movements. 


1. Starting Position: Hold a dumbbell (affiliate link) in each hand with a supinated (palms facing up) grip and your arms fully extended.

2. Curl Upwards: Lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders with a traditional bicep curl motion, keeping your palms facing up.

3. Rotate at the Top: At the top of the curl, rotate your wrists to a pronated (palms facing down) grip.

4. Lower with Pronation: Lower the dumbbells down, engaging the forearms.

5. Rotate Again: At the bottom, rotate your wrists back to the supinated grip.


Zumba is a vibrant and energetic dance fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves, creating a dynamic and enjoyable workout. Suitable for all fitness levels, Zumba is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health, coordination, and overall well-being. 


1. Warm-Up: Begin with a lively warm-up to prepare your body for the dance workout. Move to the beat, engaging your entire body.

2. Follow the Instructor: Pay close attention to the instructor's cues and follow the dance moves. Zumba often involves a mix of salsa, merengue, cumbia, and other dance styles.

3. Add Intensity: Increase the intensity by adding more energy to your movements and incorporating arm and hip actions.

4. Cool Down: Wind down with a cool-down session, including stretches to improve flexibility and prevent muscle soreness.

Zen Stretch

Zen stretch, inspired by the principles of yoga and mindfulness, offers a holistic approach to flexibility and relaxation. This practice encourages a mindful connection between the body and breath, promoting both physical and mental well-being. 


1. Starting Position: Begin in a comfortable seated position with your legs crossed, maintaining an upright posture.

2. Deep Breathing: Inhale deeply through the nose, allowing the breath to fill your lungs. Exhale slowly and completely.

3. Gentle Neck Stretch: Drop your right ear towards your right shoulder. Gently hold the stretch and continue deep, mindful breathing. Repeat on the other side.

4. Seated Forward Fold: Extend your legs forward in front of you with a slight bend in your knees. Hinge at the hips, reaching towards your toes, breathing deeply.

5. Spinal Twist: Start in a seated position with your legs extended. Bend one knee and plant that foot on the other side of your still-extended leg. Twist towards the crossed leg, maintaining a steady breath. Repeat on the other side.

Zigzag Sprints

Zigzag sprints are an excellent way to enhance agility, lateral quickness, and cardiovascular fitness. This dynamic exercise involves sprinting in a zigzag pattern, incorporating rapid changes in direction to challenge different muscle groups. 


1. Set Up Cones: Place cones or markers in a zigzag pattern, creating a designated sprinting course.

2. Starting Position: Stand at the starting point with knees slightly bent, ready to explode into the first sprint.

3. Sprint to First Cone: Sprint diagonally to the first cone, making a sharp turn.

4. Change Direction: Continue sprinting in a zigzag pattern, changing direction at each cone.

5. Maintain Speed: Focus on maintaining speed and agility throughout the course.

6. Repeat: Perform multiple rounds, challenging yourself to optimize speed and agility.

Zhan Zhuang

Zhan Zhuang, translated as "standing like a post" or "standing meditation," is a foundational practice in traditional Chinese martial arts and qigong. It involves holding specific standing postures to cultivate internal energy, balance, and mental focus. 


1. Starting Posture: Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and arms rounded as if embracing a large tree.

2. Relaxation and Alignment: Relax your entire body while maintaining an upright posture. Align your spine, tuck in your chin, and lightly touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

3. Wuji Stance: Transition to the Wuji stance, standing with feet parallel and arms relaxed by your sides.

4. Hold the Posture: Choose a specific posture, such as "Embracing the Tree" or "Horse Stance," and hold it for a duration, gradually increasing over time.


Zirkonflex is a dynamic and effective full-body exercise that incorporates the use of a resistance band (affiliate link). This exercise targets multiple muscle groups, promoting strength, flexibility, and overall functional fitness. 


1. Setup: Secure a resistance band at chest height and stand facing away from the anchor point, holding the band in both hands.

2. Feet Position: Stand with feet hip-width apart, maintaining a stable base.

3. Initial Position: Hold the band with extended arms in front of you, creating tension.

4. Side Step and Rotation: Take a lateral step to the side, maintaining tension on the band. Simultaneously rotate your torso away from the anchor point, engaging the core.

5. Return to Center: Bring your feet back together and return to the initial position, keeping the band taut throughout.

Zone 2 Training

Zone 2 training, also known as aerobic base training, is a cardiovascular exercise method aimed at improving endurance and aerobic capacity. This approach focuses on training within a specific heart rate zone to enhance the efficiency of energy utilization.


1. Determine Your Zone 2 Heart Rate: Calculate your Zone 2 heart rate by using a formula or a fitness tracker β€” it is typically around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.

2. Warm-Up: Begin with a light warm-up to prepare your muscles and gradually increase your heart rate.

3. Sustained Activity: Engage in sustained cardiovascular activity such as running, cycling, or swimming within your Zone 2 heart rate range.

4. Monitor Intensity: Regularly check your heart rate to ensure it stays within the targeted Zone 2 range.

Zu Li Hu

Zu Li Hu, a blend of traditional Chinese martial arts and yoga, offers a unique approach to physical and mental well-being. This practice combines fluid movements, breath control, and mindfulness to enhance strength, flexibility, and inner balance. 


1. Stance and Alignment: Begin in a grounded stance with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and spine aligned.

2. Flowing Movements: Engage in flowing, intentional movements that transition seamlessly from one pose to another, incorporating elements of both martial arts and yoga.

3. Breath Coordination: Coordinate your breath with each movement, promoting mindfulness and energy circulation throughout the body.

4. Focus on Balance: Emphasize balance and control, allowing the practice to cultivate physical stability and mental concentration.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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