9 Exercises That Start With S

9 Exercises That Start With S

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as S, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with S include squats, shoulder press, sit-ups, sumo deadlifts, swimming, side planks, single-leg lunges, sprints, and Superman exercise.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.


Squats are a basic compound exercise that works the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, among other muscle groups. Gaining proficiency in proper squat form is crucial for increasing efficiency and avoiding injuries. 

Include squats in your routine to improve muscle tone, lower body strength, and functional fitness.


1. Beginning Position: Place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly outward. Maintain a neutral spine, keep your shoulders back, and lift your chest.

2. Descent (Hip Hinge): Bend your knees and hinge at your hips to begin the exercise. Like you're reclining in a chair, lower your body.

3. Depth: Keeping proper form, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor or as low as is comfortable.

4. Knees Aligned: Make sure your knees do not sag inward and that they track over your toes.

5. Ascent: To get back to the starting position, drive through your heels while using your quads and glutes and come back to standing.

Shoulder Press

The shoulder press, sometimes referred to as the overhead press, is a basic strength training exercise that works the triceps, trapezius, and deltoid muscles in the shoulders. Achieving optimal form is essential for minimizing risks of harm and optimizing efficiency. 


1. Starting Position: Take a seat on a bench or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to start. With your palms facing forward, hold two dumbbells (affiliate link) or a barbell (affiliate link) at shoulder height.

2. Lift to the Top: Extend your arms fully without locking your elbows, and press the weights overhead in a controlled motion.

3. Controlled Descent: Bend your elbows and return the weights to the beginning position while keeping your composure and using your shoulder muscles.

4. Repeat: Perform the shoulder press for the desired amount of reps, paying close attention to your form and deliberate movements.


Sit-ups are a traditional abdominal exercise that strengthens and stabilizes the core by specifically targeting the rectus abdominis. It is essential to perform them with the correct technique in order to maximize benefits and reduce the risk of injury.


1. Beginning Position: Lay flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. With your elbows pointing outward and your fingertips gently supporting your head, place your hands behind your head.

2. Engage Core: Make sure your lower back remains in contact with the floor by engaging your core muscles.

3. Lift Your Torso: Raise your upper back off the ground by curving your torso in the direction of your thighs. Avoid strain by maintaining a neutral posture for your neck.

4. Complete Range of Motion: Bring your chest to your knees as you move through the entire range of motion.

5. Lower with Control: Return your torso to the starting position gradually, keeping your composure as you go.

Sumo Deadlifts

Stronger than a standard deadlift, a sumo deadlift highlights the use of the glutes, hamstrings, and inner thighs. With its wide stance and your hands placed inside the knees, this exercise works a variety of muscle groups and can be a great complement to any strength training program.


1. Set-Up: Take a stance with your toes pointed outward and your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Grip the barbell with your hands inside your knees as you position it close to your shins.

2. Hip Hinge: Keeping your chest raised and your back straight, lower your hips by bending at the knees and hips.

3. Grip and Lift: Take a firm grip on the barbell, contract your core, and lift the weight by simultaneously extending your hips and knees.

4. Stand Tall: At the peak of the exercise, fully extend your hips and stand up straight with your shoulders back.


Swimming is a fantastic full-body workout that works all of your muscle groups and enhances cardiovascular fitness. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that has many health advantages, whether you're in open water or a pool.


1. Beginning Position: Lay fully extended, face down in the water.

2. Arm Movement: To start, extend one arm forward and the other arm backward. Kick both of your legs at the same time in a fluttering motion.

3. Inhaling: Rotate your head to the side with each breath, focusing on different sides.

4. Leg Movement: Keep your legs straight and your toes pointed while you perform a steady, rhythmic flutter kick.

5. Full Extension: To maximize your reach, concentrate on maintaining a long, streamlined body position with each stroke.

6. Continuous Motion: To move through the water, coordinate your arm and leg movements in a continuous manner.

Side Planks

Side planks are an excellent core-strengthening exercise that stabilizes the entire body and works the obliques. Including side planks in your exercise routine may also help with posture. 


1. Beginning Position: Assume a side laying position, with your elbow resting squarely beneath your shoulder in a straight line from your head to your heels.

2. Engage Core: Raise your hips off the floor to activate your core muscles by drawing a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.

3. Hold and Breathe: Hold the posture for the desired amount of time, paying attention to your breathing and maintaining your body's straight posture.

4. Switch Sides: To guarantee balanced development, repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

Single-Leg Lunges

An excellent lower-body exercise that improves strength, balance, and stability is the single-leg lunge. This unilateral exercise works the quadriceps and other leg muscles, and it also strengthens the core. 

Because of their adaptability, single-leg lunges can be incorporated into a variety of exercise programs to strengthen the unilateral muscles and correct muscle imbalances.


1. Beginning Position: Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Lift One Leg: While keeping your other foot steady, raise one leg off the ground.

3. Lunge Forward: Lower your body into a lunge position by taking a deliberate step forward with your leg raised.

4. Bend Both Knees: Make sure the front knee is over the ankle, and both knees are bent to a 90-degree angle.

5. Push Back: To get back to where you were before, push off your front foot.

6. Repeat on Both Legs: Give each leg the same amount of repetitions.


A great cardiovascular workout that increases speed and explosiveness, as well as cardiovascular fitness, are sprints. Sprints are a quick and powerful exercise that can be used to improve general fitness or prepare for a specific sport. This form of exercise is also great because it challenges the muscles and heart simultaneously.


1. Warm-Up: To get your muscles ready for the intensity, start with a dynamic warm-up that includes leg swings, jogging, and dynamic stretches.

2. Locate an Open Space: To ensure safety and the least amount of disruptions, pick a level, open space that is far enough away for your sprint.

3. Start Strong: With your feet shoulder-width apart, take a ready stance and launch yourself into a powerful sprint.

4. Maintain Form: Maintain an upright torso, pumped arms, and a rapid, fluid gait.

5. Full Effort: Give it your all as you sprint the predetermined distance at maximum effort.

6. Recovery: To preserve quality and avoid fatigue-related injuries, give yourself enough time to recover in between sprints.

Superman Exercise

The Superman exercise is a simple yet powerful way to engage the muscles in your spine and strengthen your lower back. In addition to working the glutes and shoulders, this bodyweight exercise enhances stability and posture. 


1. Beginning Position: Spread your arms out in front of you and extend your legs fully while lying face down on a mat.

2. Lift Arms and Legs: Using your glutes and lower back, simultaneously raise your arms and legs off the ground.

3. Hold and Squeeze: Squeeze the muscles in your spine while holding the raised posture for a short while.

4. Lower to Starting Position: Gradually return your arms and legs to the ground before repeating the movement.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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