10 Minute Ab Workout: How to Get a Six-Pack Efficiently

10 Minute Ab Workout: How to Get a Six-Pack Efficiently

Updated March 2024

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Whatever the form of exercise one chooses, dropping inches and getting sculpted abs are often desired outcomes. Training for a strong core is essential as it helps maintain spine health and reduces lower back injuries. The rectus abdominis muscle, popularly referred to as the “six-pack,” runs from the pubic bone to the sternum. It is the most superficial core muscle and is responsible for giving the abs its visible, distinct appearance. While “six-packs” seems like a tough fitness goal, understanding the factors at play and exercising accordingly makes it easier to achieve.

A 10-minute ab workout can go a long way in giving you the sculpted abs you always desired. This article gives you two such workouts, a home-friendly no equipment workout and a slightly advanced gym workout. Wherever you are in your fitness journey, performing these exercises regularly will help you achieve your ab goals and help you build a strong core.

Is 10 Minutes Enough for an Ab Workout?

Woman doing ab workout for six pack.

Ten minutes is considered enough time for an ab workout. If you are someone who works out regularly, you may already be performing functional movements that engage the core. In such cases, a 10-minute ab workout two to three times per week should be more than sufficient to achieve your goal. 

If you are a beginner, a dedicated 10-minute ab workout about four times a week will definitely yield results. While ten minutes are enough for an ab workout, it is important to focus on the quality and form of the exercise. Also, the exercises should address the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis, all of which are important for a well-defined midsection.

How Fast Can I Get a 6 Pack?

Woman doing plank.

Achieving a low body fat percentage is the first step in the 6-pack journey. However, it may not always be good for the body and can cause health issues. Hence, it is important to reduce body fat systematically with the right combination of diet, exercise, and rest. 

A proper diet should focus on reducing calories and increasing protein intake to maintain muscle mass. Check out our Healthy Transformation Grocery List (affiliate link) for a list of foods that will support your fitness goals.

As far as exercise is concerned, high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) or a combination of cardio and weight training works best in losing body fat. Pilates and yoga are also good workouts that help build abdominal strength. 

Seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep is a must, as it helps keep weight at bay and prevents it from bouncing back. In essence, achieving a six-pack is a gradual process that can take anywhere between six to 20 months to show results, and this process should not be hastened or compromised.  

Can I Do 10 Minute Abs Every Day?

Man doing ab exercise.

Yes, ab exercises may be performed every day for ten minutes. These exercises help build endurance and strength, which result in a strong core. However, always listen to your body when you work out. In case of extreme muscle soreness, consider incorporating rest days in between to allow muscle recovery. Continuing to exercise despite fatigue will make you wrongly engage the lower back muscles during the movements, potentially causing injury. 

What is the Best 10 Minute Ab Workout?

Man doing crunches to get six pack.

10 Minute At Home Ab Workout

This is a 10-minute At-Home Ab Workout consisting of ten exercises. These exercises do not involve the use of any equipment and can be performed by anyone, including beginners. 

The exercises should be performed for 45 seconds each, followed by a 15-second rest period. Aim for ten to 12 reps during the workout window. Remember, the slower your movement, the more you will feel the burn!

  1. Bicycle crunches

  2. Russian twists

  3. Mountain climbers

  4. Leg raises

  5. The 100’s

  6. Reverse crunches

  7. Plank hip dips

  8. Scissor kicks

  9. Starfish crunches

  10. Cross body plank

10 Minute Gym Ab Workout

This 10-minute Gym Ab Workout consists of ten effective exercises. These exercises are to be performed for 45 seconds each, followed by a 15-second rest period. 

Since these are exercises that involve the use of equipment, aim for eight to ten reps, focusing on the perfect form during the workout window. Slow and controlled movements are the key to achieving maximum results.

  1. Barbell floor wipers

  2. V sit-ups

  3. Dragon flag

  4. Russian twists with a medicine ball

  5. Hanging leg raises

  6. Deadbugs

  7. Barbell rollouts

  8. Ab hold

  9. Cable crunches

  10.  Dumbbell side bends

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to purchase expensive gym memberships or equipment to achieve your dream abs, and training for them is fairly straightforward. All you need is a dedication to the cause and focus on the form. However, there can be no greater truth than the saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen.” 

Fat burn is essential to achieve these fab abs, and unfortunately, there is no magic potion or shortcut to burning it. Eating mindfully, clean, and healthy are the only ways to achieve it. Also, give your body enough rest during this journey. Remember that every workout session, every mindful morsel, and every night of good sleep take you one step closer to your six-pack. 

Lastly, every body type is different, and not getting a six-pack or achieving it at a slower pace than your gym buddy does not make you weaker than them. While aiming for a sculpted body is not a bad fitness goal to chase, it is important to remember that fitness is beyond just physical appearance. The aim of exercising should always be overall health and well-being!

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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