13 Forearm Workouts For Size and Strength

13 Forearm Workouts For Size and Strength

Updated March 2024

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Do YOU want forearms like Popeye? Wouldn’t it be nice to roll up your sleeves and put your massive forearms on display for everyone to see? Shaking other people’s hands may be a thing of the past, but a firm grip can still go a long way, make a grand statement, and even help in rubbing a sore muscle. If you want more size on your forearms, or even to strengthen your grip, read on for some fire to the forearms with these forearm workouts. 

The forearms make up the part of your arm from the elbow down to your wrist. This part includes a whole plethora of bones, muscles, nerves, and components working to control the motions of your hands and fingers.

Anatomy of the Forearms

Anatomy of the forearms.

Two main bones are parallel in the forearm. The radius bone is on the thumb side of your forearm and exists between the elbow and the wrist. This bone is both an attachment point and a support mechanism for the muscles which engage the movements of the hand and wrist. 

The ulna is the other long bone that is slightly longer than the radius and is located on the opposite side of the forearm of the thumb and also runs from the elbow to the wrist. This bone is more active in movements related to the elbow joint. The ulna has a unique shape, noticeably a long body with two individual bony processes – the coronoid and the olecranon. 

The olecranon process is where the triceps muscles attach to the forearm, and the coronoid process is where the biceps muscles attach and flex the forearm.

How Do I Make My Forearms Bigger?

Exercise equipment to grow forearms.

Making your forearms bigger is quite a challenge, but by doing targeted exercises that target the specific muscles, you can see gains with consistency, time, and patience. By finding an optimal forearm workout and incorporating some of the exercises described in this article, you can be off to a great start. 

In doing wrist curl types of movements, it is also beneficial to incorporate the exercises to execute a reverse curl. Other types of movements focus on the behind-the-back type of effort. Although these are effective, the exercises listed in this article focus on the correct muscle group.

Do Forearm Workouts Work?

Man with big forearms doing push ups.

If you’ve managed to read this far, there is great news for you. Forearm workouts can be extremely effective in increasing the strength and size of your forearms! These muscles can be trained and strengthened by repeating the exercises, such as wrist curls, farmer’s walks, towel pull-ups, and a whole series of other movements.

3 Benefits of Having Strong Forearms

Man with big forearms.

1. Grip Strength

Grip strength is a great asset in many parts of daily tasks in our lives. Improving your grip strength helps improve the way you handle a variety of physical activities with more efficiency. There are reduced risks of injury with stronger grip strength, especially for people who are required to perform laborious activities. In some cases, a stronger grip can even help with improvements in confidence and self-sufficiency.

2. Reduce Risk of Injury

The hands, wrists, and elbows work together to absorb shock and support during strenuous activities. Strong forearms provide additional protection to minimize the shock and decrease the risk of injury.

3. Improved Physical Performance

Most sports and activities engage your forearms. With a stronger forearm and a stronger grip, your performance in many activities will be improved.

13 Best Forearm Exercises

Man doing curls to grow forearms.

1.       Wrist Curls (Zottman)

This is a great exercise as it works both the biceps and the forearms. During the curling motion, the biceps are engaged while the forearm muscles are fired when controlling the dumbbell rotation.


  1. Hold a single dumbbell in either or both of your hands with your palms up.

  2. Curl the weights towards your shoulders and rotate your wrists with palms facing downward.

  3. Lower the weights and repeat based on a routine that works comfortably for your level of fitness.

2. Towel Pull-Ups

This exercise is a real blast to your forearms and helps your grip strength and musculature.


  1. Tie a knot on the two ends of a towel.

  2. On a pull-up bar that can hold your body weight, drape the towel over the bar so you can see the knots on either side.

  3. Start with a gentle grip and hold on to the knots with each hand.

  4. Hang from the towel with your palms away from you.

  5. Begin pulling yourself up and focus on strengthening your grip on the towels.

  6. Keep your elbows close to your body and your shoulders down.

  7. Pull your chin above the bar and repeat as you return to the starting position.

3. Forearm Plank

Try using the very popular plank to strengthen your forearm muscles.


  1. Put yourself into a pushup position with your forearms planted and your elbows under your shoulders.

  2. Set your forearms in parallel and your hands utterly flat with your legs behind you, and ensure your body forms a straight line.

  3. Once you are comfortable in the aforementioned position, focus on engaging your core while breathing deeply for a predetermined amount of time.

4. Farmer’s Carry

This is the classic forearm exercise that is the go-to movement for muscle development.


  1. Find something weighted to grip, using dumbbells or something similar that is comfortable.

  2. While standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides, hold the weights in either hand with a firm grip.

  3. Lift the weights by bending down to pick them up while keeping your back straight and lifting with your legs.

  4. Walk using quick and short steps in a straight line with your core engaged, shoulders back, and focus forward.

  5. Follow the aforementioned step for a set period or distance and repeat.

  6. Put the weights back down and rest.

5. Hammer Curl

Hammer curls are a powerful movement to blast the forearm muscles that also work your biceps.


  1. Hold a dumbbell in either hand at arm’s length on your sides, with your palms facing each other and your elbows close to your body.

  2. Keep the upper arm still with your elbows locked in place while slowly curling the dumbbells toward your shoulders.

  3. Once you reach the top of the curling position, squeeze your biceps and hold before lowering.

  4. Repeat this movement based on a series of repetitions.

6. Deadlifts

Not only can deadlifts strengthen your back and leg muscles, but they also can fire up the forearm muscles.


  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward, stand with a barbell centered over your feet.

  2. With an overhand grip, bend down and grab the barbell, ensuring your palms are face down and your hands are on the outside of your legs.

  3. Maintain good form by keeping your back as straight as possible and your core tight.

  4. Use your legs to lift the barbell off the ground.

  5. While keeping the bar close to your body, focus on your legs to power the movement and your forearms to fire the muscles.

  6. After reaching a full standing position, hold for a moment before slowly returning the weight to the ground as you bend your knees.

7. Hand Grippers

Hand grippers (affiliate link) are a very convenient exercise as they can even be performed while you are driving.


  1. Choose a hand gripper that is comfortable for you. These can be purchased at retail stores that sell sporting goods.

  2. Hold the gripper in either or both hands with your thumb on the opposite side.

  3. With your thumb and fingers, start squeezing the handles while ensuring your wrists are in a neutral position.

  4. Try to maintain this closed position for a few seconds before slowly releasing back to the start position.

8. Plate Pinch

Plate pinching is a great way to tweak your grip and work your forearm muscles.


  1. Hold a weight plate of comfortable size and weight with your fingers on one side and your thumb on the other.

  2. Squeeze your thumbs and fingers together and pinch the plates while ensuring your wrists remain in a neutral position.

  3. Remain in this holding position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

9. Rolling Thunder

The Rolling Thunder exercise uses the power of kettlebells (affiliate link) and can focus nicely on your forearm muscles.


  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart, stand with a kettlebell on the floor between your feet.

  2. While squatting, grip the handle of the kettlebell with one hand while the other is supported by remaining on the floor.

  3. Lift the kettlebell off the ground while engaging your core and keeping your back straight.

  4. Rotate your wrist with your elbow pointed out and your palm facing up as the kettlebell approaches your shoulder.

  5. As the kettlebell gets closest to your shoulder, remain in this position for a few seconds and pause before returning to the start position.

10. Sledgehammer Swings

Sledgehammer swings can be performed at the gym or even outside in the backyard.


  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the sledgehammer with one hand closest to the top and the other near the middle of the handle.

  2. Slowly pull the sledgehammer over your shoulder with the hammer head behind you.

  3. As you swing downward, shift your weight onto your front foot while firing your core.

  4. As the swing circles back towards the ground, release your grip on the top so the sledgehammer will bounce back up.

  5. Using your top hand, catch the sledgehammer and swing it back up.

  6. Repeat this movement in sets of repetitions.

11. Rope Climbing

Rope climbing is a great forearm exercise and a nice overall body workout that can offer a good workout to the forearm muscles.


  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended above your head, stand beneath the rope.

  2. Push off the ground and hold on to the rope using an overhead grip.

  3. Pull yourself up towards the rope while bending your knees and lifting your feet.

  4. Use your legs to push and your arms to pull as you climb towards the top.

  5. When you get to the top, focus on your core, maintain a steady rhythm, and breathe properly.

  6. Slowly lower yourself down and rest.

12. Dumbbell Holds

Dumbbell holds are a great way to blast your forearm muscles quickly.


  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides.

  2. Tighten your core muscles while standing up straight. Ensure your palms face your thighs and your arms are straight.

  3. While keeping your arms straight and the dumbbells in your hand, walk while focusing on your posture and breathing.

  4. Continue to walk forward for a specific set of time and/or repetitions.

13. Reverse Wrist Curls

Doing reverse wrist curls is a great way to work the forearm muscles and can help with strength and conditioning.


  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart in either a sitting or standing position, hold a dumbbell with an overhand grip while wresting your forearm on a stable surface with your wrist curling at the surface.

  2. While keeping your wrist in a neutral position, slowly lift the weight towards your body by bending your wrist in an upward motion.

  3. Hold at the top while focusing on breathing and form.

  4. Repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions.

What is the Best Workout For Forearms?

The best workout for forearms includes a variety of exercises. If you are seeking a suggestion, you can start with three sets of ten repetitions of wrist curls, farmer’s carry, plate pinches, and towel pull-ups. As you become more comfortable, you can add resistance or a variety of movements.

Final Thoughts

Building strength and size in the forearms requires a lot of time, patience, and consistency. As with exercising any other muscle in the body, other important practices will contribute towards healthy muscle growth. You will also need a balanced combination of resistance training, proper nutrition, and sufficient time to rest and recover. 

If you can incorporate this balance along with some exercises that focus on forearm conditioning, you will see positive results in forearm strength and conditioning. It is important to maintain a good workout routine, whether at home or in the gym. This routine should also include an effective cardio workout.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to train forearms every day?

It is ideal to let your forearm muscles rest and recover as it increases strength and muscle mass. Everyone is different, so determine what works best for you.

Are forearms hard to build?

Forearms are hard to build because they comprise smaller muscles that need a specific type of movement to be targeted. The key, as it is with other muscles, is consistency. If you are looking to bulk up, different routines may be more effective.

Do forearms naturally get bigger?

Any muscles can naturally get bigger, but it is based on a series of factors, which include good nutrition, consistency, rest and recovery, and genetics. Over time, muscle development can slow down, so growth may occur slowly or even not at all.

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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