9 Exercises That Start With T

9 Exercises That Start With T

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as T, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with T include tricep dips, Turkish get-ups, toe touches, tricep kickbacks, tuck jumps, twisting mountain climbers, thrusters, T-bar rows, and TRX rows.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.

Tricep Dips

An efficient bodyweight exercise that targets the muscles in the back of the arms is dips. This compound exercise improves overall upper body fitness by toning and strengthening the triceps


1. Locate a Stable Surface: Look for a bench or parallel bars that are strong enough to hold your body weight.

2. Beginning Position: Assume a sitting position on the edge of the surface, placing your hands shoulder-width apart and pointing your fingers forward. Maintain a tall back and straighten your legs.

3. Lower Your Body: Gradually lower your body toward the floor by bending your elbows to a 90-degree angle.

4. Push Back Up: To get back to the starting position without completely locking out your elbows, contract your triceps and push through your palms to straighten your arms again.

Turkish Get-Ups

The Turkish get-up is a full-body, dynamic workout that improves stability, mobility, and strength development. This move, which has its roots in Turkish wrestling culture, entails rolling from a lying to a standing position while supporting a weight overhead. 

The Turkish get-up offers a special combination of strength and mobility benefits, but mastery takes practice and concentration.


1. Beginning Position: Assume a prone position, grasp a kettlebell (affiliate link) or dumbbell (affiliate link) in one hand, extend your arm upwards, and bend your same-side knee.

2. Roll to Elbow: Lie on your side with your weighted arm resting on the elbow of the same side.

3. Lift to Hand: Raise your body off the ground by pushing through the grounded hand and balancing your weight on the palm.

4. Bridge and Sweep: Raise your hips, place your knee on the floor, and sweep your back leg under.

5. Kneeling Position: Keep your weight overhead as you lower yourself to a kneeling position.

6. Stand Up: Maintaining your weight overhead, push through your front foot to stand up.

7. Reverse the Movements: To get back to where you were before, carefully reverse the movements.

Toe Touches

A quick and easy workout that strengthens the abdominal muscles and increases flexibility is toe touches. In addition to working the core, this exercise helps the hamstrings' range of motion. 


1. Starting Position: Lay on your back with your arms extended overhead and your legs fully extended.

2. Lift Legs Towards Ceiling: Lift your legs toward the ceiling while retaining a slight bend in your knees and keeping them straight.

3. Stretch Toes: Contract your abdominal muscles to raise your upper body off the floor and extend your hand toward your toes.

4. Touch Toes or Reach as Far as Comfortable: Feel the stretch in your hamstrings and contract your core as you attempt to touch your toes or reach as far as your flexibility permits.

5. Lower Back Down: Maintaining a strong core, gradually return your legs and upper body to their initial positions.

Tricep Kickbacks

An effective isolation exercise for toning and targeting the triceps, tricep kickbacks enhance arm definition and strength. Extending your arm behind you against resistance emphasizes the contraction of your tricep muscles in this simple yet effective exercise.

Increasing the triceps' size and definition through exercise is a great way to improve arm strength's aesthetic appeal and functionality.


1. Set-Up: To start, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand, and keep your knees slightly bent.

2. Bent Over Position: Bring your upper arms parallel to the floor and bend forward at the hips while maintaining a straight back.

3. Elbow Extension: Keep your upper arms still while extending your elbows and pushing the dumbbells back behind you.

4. Squeeze and Lower: At the peak of the exercise, contract your triceps and then carefully lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

Tuck Jumps

A dynamic plyometric exercise that improves cardiovascular fitness, explosive power, and lower body strength is the tuck jump. This exercise works the quadriceps, hamstrings, and core muscles with explosive leg movements. 


1. Beginning Position: Maintain an athletic stance with your knees slightly bent while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Leap Upward: Bend your knees to start the movement, then shoot upward.

3. Tuck Position: As you ascend, bring your knees up towards your chest, pulling them in tightly.

4. Arm Movement: To add to the upward momentum, simultaneously swing your arms upward.

5. Land Gently: To ensure a gentle and controlled descent, extend your legs in preparation for landing.

6. Absorb Impact: Land and instantly move into the next repetition by bending your knees slightly to absorb the impact.

Twisting Mountain Climbers

The classic mountain climber exercise is given a dynamic twist by twisting mountain climbers, which increases core engagement and targets the obliques. This variation improves rotational strength as well as cardiovascular endurance. 

Incorporate mountain climbers that twist to create a dynamic full-body workout that strengthens the entire body and tests core stability.


1. Starting Position: Get into a plank position with your wrists underneath your shoulders and contract your core.

2. Knee Drive: Twist your torso while bringing your right knee to your left elbow and contracting your obliques.

3. Return to Plank: Straighten your right leg and assume the plank stance again.

4. Switch Sides: Carry out the motion again, this time bringing the left knee up to the right elbow.

5. Continuous Motion: Maintain a controlled, rhythmic motion while switching back and forth between left and right knee drives.


Thrusters are a type of compound exercise that works the legs, shoulders, and core while combining a front squat and an overhead press. This vigorous exercise improves cardiovascular endurance and strength. 

Thrusters are a useful and effective exercise that emphasizes power and coordination. They are frequently included in CrossFit and strength training regimens.


1. Starting Position: Place a barbell on your shoulders and position your feet shoulder-width apart to start.

2. Front Squat: Keep your chest raised while bending your knees to descend into a deep squat.

3. Explosive Movement: Extend your arms fully and press the barbell overhead with an explosive motion as you come up from the squat.

4. Controlled Descent: Bring the barbell back down to your shoulders and take a few steps to get back to the beginning.

5. Repeat: Move fluidly through the sequence, making sure that the squat and overhead press are both performed with controlled movements.

T-Bar Rows

Compound exercises like T-bar rows mainly work the latissimus dorsi and other upper back muscles. This exercise also works the deltoids, rhomboids, and biceps, strengthening and stabilizing the upper body as a whole. 


1. Set-Up: Fill the T-bar row machine with the proper weight and fasten it with collars. Place yourself so that you are straddling the bar at the right height.

2. Grip the Bar: Keep your back flat while bending at the hips and knees. Use an overhand grip to hold the barbell or the handles.

3. Rowing Motion: Maintain an upright posture, contract your back muscles, and draw the bar in a rowing motion toward your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body.

4. Squeeze the Back: To fully engage the muscles of your upper back, squeeze your shoulder blades together at the peak of the exercise.

5. Lower with Control: Lower the bar back down while keeping your knees slightly bent.

TRX Rows

TRX rows are a great bodyweight exercise that works the arms, shoulders, and upper back muscles. This exercise, which uses TRX suspension straps, offers a scalable challenge appropriate for a range of fitness levels. 


1. Setup: Make sure the TRX straps are firmly fastened by raising them to chest height. Lean back and extend your arms while standing facing the anchor point.

2. Posture: Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels while using your core. Step your feet backward for a simpler variation or forward for a more challenging gait.

3. Pulling Motion: Pull your chest in the direction of the handles to begin the row by squeezing your shoulder blades together.

4. Full Range of Motion: To complete one repetition, lower your body back down and extend your arms fully.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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