9 Exercises That Start With O

9 Exercises That Start With O

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as O, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with O include overhead press, overhead tricep extensions, oblique crunches, one-legged squats, overhead lunges, outward leg raises, opposite arm and leg raises, open and close jacks, and Olympic lifts.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.

Overhead Press

An essential strength-training exercise, the overhead press works the deltoids, triceps, and shoulder muscles while strengthening and stabilizing the upper body as a whole. In order to maximize effectiveness and avoid injury, proper form is essential.


1. Starting Position: To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and an overhand grip on a barbell (affiliate link) at shoulder height.

2. Establish Your Grip: To ensure a firm grip on the bar, spread your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

3. Engage Core: To give stability and lower back protection, tense your core muscles.

4. Press the Bar: Extend your arms fully without locking your elbows as you press the bar overhead in a controlled manner.

5. Lower with Control: Return the bar to shoulder height while keeping your body in a controlled position.

6. Repeat: Focus on good form and deliberate movements as you complete the exercise for the required number of repetitions.

Overhead Tricep Extensions

An efficient isolation exercise for the triceps that builds strength and definition in the back of the arms is the overhead tricep extension. You can use a cable machine or a dumbbell (affiliate link) for this exercise. No matter which you choose, it's important to use the proper form in order to maximize effectiveness and minimize strain.

For focused tricep development and enhanced upper body strength, be sure to include overhead tricep extensions in your arm workout regimen.


1. Starting Position: Maintain a straight posture while standing or sitting, and grasp a dumbbell in both hands. The bar of the dumbbell should be in between the thumb and pointer fingers of each hand in order to be secure.

2. Elbows In: Lift the weight above your head and place your elbows in close proximity to your ears.

3. Extension: Feel the triceps flex as you slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending at the elbows. Keep your upper arms stationary throughout this movement.

4. Contract and Return: At the peak of the movement, contract your triceps and extend your arms back to the starting position.

Oblique Crunches

An efficient abdominal exercise that strengthens and defines the waistline is the oblique crunch, which targets the sides of your torso. This is a great exercise to strengthen your core and tone your obliques, so be sure to include it in your ab routine.


1. Starting Position: Lay on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. With your elbows pointing outward, place your hands behind your head.

2. Engage Core: Raise your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground by tensing your abdominal muscles.

3. Twist and Crunch: Bring your right elbow up to meet your left knee while you simultaneously twist your torso during the lift.

4. Return to Center: Carefully lower your upper body back to the beginning position.

5. Trade Sides: Carry out the same action, but this time, move your left elbow in the direction of your right knee.

6. Repeat Alternating Sides: Keep switching sides in a smooth, deliberate motion.

One-Legged Squats

Pistol squats — also known as one-legged squats — are a difficult but effective exercise that strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes in particular while enhancing balance and stability. It takes strength, flexibility, and control to master this movement. 

Regularly perform one-legged squats for improved unilateral balance, lower body strength, and stability.


1. Beginning Position: To maintain balance, stand with your feet hip-width apart and look forward to a point.

2. Lift One Leg: Bring one leg straight out in front of you and keep it parallel to the floor as you perform this exercise.

3. Lowering Phase: Keep your back straight and your chest up as you gradually lower your body by bending the knee of the leg that is supporting you.

4. Depth: Try to come as low as you can without discomfort, ideally bending at the knee to a 90-degree angle.

5. Push-Up Phase: To get back to the starting position, contract the muscles in the leg that are supporting you and push through your heel.

Overhead Lunges

A difficult exercise that combines shoulder stability, balance, and lower body strength is the overhead lunge. Several muscle groups, including the shoulders, glutes, and legs, are worked during this compound movement. 

To improve strength and coordination, add dynamic full-body exercises like overhead lunges to your routine.


1. Starting Position: Hold a barbell or dumbbells overhead while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure your arms are outstretched.

2. Core Engagement: To keep your body stable and safeguard your lower back, engage your core.

3. Step Forward: Lower your body into a lunge position by taking a deliberate step forward with one leg. Maintain the rear knee's proximity to the floor.

4. Front Leg Angle: Make sure the front knee forms a 90-degree angle and is in line with the ankle. Your back heel should be raised as the back leg extends.

5. Return to Starting Position: Step back to the starting position after removing the front foot.

6. Switch Legs: Carry out the motion once more, switching legs for every lunge.

Outward Leg Raises

A focused exercise that strengthens the hip and outer thigh muscles and enhances lower body stability is the outward leg raise. This exercise is especially good for improving balance and muscle tone. 


1. Beginning Position: Lay flat on your side with your body in a straight line. Place your top hand on the floor in front of you and your bottom arm on the ground to support your head.

2. Leg Placement: Make sure your hips and shoulders are in line when you stack your legs on top of one another.

3. Engage Core: To stabilize your spine, tighten the muscles in your core.

4. Lift the Leg: Raise your upper leg while concentrating on your hip and outer thigh muscles. Avoid swinging and maintain control over your movement.

5. Hold and Lower: Hold your leg raised for a few moments and then lower it back down. Do not allow it to touch your lower leg. 

6. Repeat: After completing the required number of reps, swap sides.

Opposite Arm and Leg Raises

Opposite arm and leg raises are a functional exercise that strengthens the lower back muscles and improves core stability. The benefits of this exercise are especially great for posture and general body coordination. 


1. Starting Position: Get on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

2. Engage Core: To maintain a neutral spine position and stabilize your spine, tighten your core muscles.

3. Raise Right Arm: While keeping your posture steady, extend your right arm straight ahead of you and parallel to the ground.

4. Lift Left Leg: Lift your left leg back straight and parallel to the floor at the same time.

5. Hold and Squeeze: Take a small break at the top, contracting your glutes and using your core to maintain your balance.

6. Lower Gently: Return to the starting position by slowly lowering your left leg and right arm.

7. Repeat on the Other Side: Use your left arm and right leg to carry out the identical motion.

Open and Close Jacks

Combining the heart-pumping benefits of jumping jacks with an extra lateral movement to work the inner and outer thighs, open and close jacks are a dynamic and intense workout. This is a great exercise to fully activate your body and condition your heart. 

For a dynamic and efficient workout, include this exercise in your warm-up or cardiovascular routine.


1. Starting Position: Maintain an upright posture while standing with your feet together and your arms by your sides.

2. Jumping Jacks: To start, perform a standard jumping jack by raising your arms overhead and jumping with your feet apart.

3. Lateral Movement: Jump backward with your feet together and swing your arms downward in the same motion.

4. Repeat: After each jump, carry on the smooth motion of opening and closing your legs by switching between the two actions.

5. Pace and Intensity: To increase your heart rate and intensify your workout, perform open and close jacks quickly.

Olympic Lifts

Olympic lifts require strength, speed, and accuracy. Examples of these dynamic, explosive movements are the clean, jerk, and snatch. These powerlifting workouts improve athletic performance in addition to developing full-body strength.

It takes proper form, gradual weight progression, and, ideally, coaching from a qualified professional to master these lifts. When adding Olympic lifts to your exercise regimen, always put safety and technique first.


1. Clean and Jerk: 

  • Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart in front of a barbell with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. 

  • Clean: Squat down to grip the barbell, and quickly extend your hips and pull the barbell up to shoulder height.

  • Jerk: Split your legs and drive with explosiveness, pushing the bar overhead.

3. Snatch: 

  • To begin, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp the barbell widely.

  • Snatch: While maintaining a straight arm stance, quickly raise the barbell from the ground to overhead.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

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