The Nutrient Diaries: Vitamin D

The Nutrient Diaries: Vitamin D

Updated November 2023

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Welcome back to The Nutrient Diaries! I hope you are following along with me in this pursuit to transform our health through what we put in our bodies! For the past two weeks, I have focused on consuming enough vitamin A and vitamin C every day. Both of these nutrients have many benefits for the body, but there are still so many left. So today, I am going to talk about Vitamin D!


This past week I made sure to have an intake of 600 to 1000 IU of Vitamin D a day. This is the recommended range for the average adult, depending on their needs.

Best Sources of Vitamin D

  1. Egg yolks

    • 37 IU per yolk

  2. Cheese

    • 27 IU per cup

  3. Fatty fish such as salmon

    • 447 IU per 3 oz

  4. Vitamin D fortified foods like cereal

    • 55-154 IU per 1/2 cup

  5. Tuna

    • 236 IU per can

  6. Oysters

    • 320 IU per 3.5 oz

  7. Mushrooms

    • 130-450 IU per 3.5 oz

Benefits of Eating Vitamin D

  1. Helps with calcium and phosphorus absorption

  2. Prevents osteoporosis

  3. Maintains heart action

  4. Aids in nervous system function

Salmon Scramble Recipe

A meal that I consume often that is very rich in vitamin D is a Salmon Scramble. This is a simple combination of some of the foods I have listed above and is sure to deliver all the benefits that this nutrient can deliver to my body!

  • 3 oz salmon

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 cup mushrooms

  • 1/2 cup spinach

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

DISCLAIMER: I am a certified nutritionist, and the above information is my own knowledge. This information does not pertain to everyone, as all people are different. What I talk about in these blog posts is simply my opinion and education. Please make sure to take care of your body and stay safe.

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