9 Exercises That Start With W

9 Exercises That Start With W

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as W, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with W include walking lunges, wall sits, wide-grip pull-ups, wall push-ups, windshield wipers, weighted squats, woodchoppers, wrist curls, and wiper planks.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.

Walking Lunges

Walking lunges are a dynamic lower-body exercise that targets the muscles in the legs, like the glutes and quads. This functional movement enhances strength, stability, and flexibility, making it a valuable addition to any workout routine. 


1. Starting Position: Stand with feet hip-width apart, shoulders back, and core engaged.

2. Step Forward: Take a controlled step forward with your right foot, lowering your body into a lunge position.

3. Lower Down: Bend both knees to approximately 90-degree angles, ensuring the front knee is directly above the ankle.

4. Push Off: Push off with your rear foot, bringing it forward to meet the front foot.

5. Alternate Legs: Repeat the movement with the left leg, creating a walking motion.

Wall Sits

Wall sits are a simple yet effective isometric exercise that focuses on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. This exercise is great for building lower body strength and endurance. 


1. Find a Wall: Locate a flat, sturdy wall and stand with your back against it.

2. Feet Placement: Step your feet forward, about shoulder-width apart, and slide your back down the wall until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

3. Hold Position: Maintain the seated position, keeping your core engaged and weight distributed evenly on your heels for a predetermined duration.

Wide-Grip Pull-Ups

An effective bodyweight exercise that targets the lats and upper traps, wide-grip pull-ups are essential for your upper-body workouts. This variation challenges the arms and shoulders in a wider hand position, promoting muscle development and strength. 


1. Grip Placement: Stand beneath a pull-up bar and grasp it with a grip wider than shoulder-width, palms facing forward.

2. Hang Position: Hang freely with arms fully extended, ensuring a straight line from head to heels.

3. Pull Up: Initiate the pull by squeezing your shoulder blades together and pulling your chest towards the bar.

4. Chin Over Bar: Continue the upward movement until your chin passes over the bar.

5. Lower with Control: Lower your body back down in a controlled manner, fully extending your arms to complete one repetition.

Wall Push-Ups

Wall push-ups are an accessible and effective exercise that is great for beginners or individuals wanting to work on their chest and triceps. This variation offers a modified approach to traditional push-ups while providing a stable and controlled environment. 


1. Setup: Stand facing a wall, arms extended in front of you at shoulder height and shoulder-width apart, with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Body Alignment: Maintain a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core for stability.

3. Lower Your Body: Place your palms on the wall and lean toward it by bending your elbows to lower your upper body to the wall.

4. Push Back Up: Press through your palms to return to the starting position, fully extending your arms.

Windshield Wipers

Windshield wipers are a challenging core exercise that targets the obliques and lower abdominal muscles. This dynamic movement requires control and strength to move the legs from side to side while lying on your back. 


1. Starting Position: Lie on your back with arms extended out to the sides for support, palms facing down. Lift your legs towards the ceiling, forming a 90-degree angle with the torso and at your knees.

2. Leg Movement: Brace your core as you lower your legs to one side, aiming to touch the floor without letting them rest. Keep the movement controlled.

3. Return to Center: Bring your legs back to the starting position, then lower them to the opposite side.

4. Repeat: Perform the windshield wiper motion in a controlled and deliberate manner, gradually increasing the difficulty as you build strength.

Weighted Squats

Weighted squats are a fundamental strength training exercise that targets the muscles in the legs, glutes, and lower back. Adding resistance enhances the challenge and promotes muscle growth and overall lower body strength. 


1. Set Up: Begin by placing a barbell on your upper back, across your shoulders, and grip the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Feet Placement: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes pointing forward.

3. Initiate the Squat: Lower your body by bending at the hips and knees, keeping your back straight, and ensuring your knees do not extend beyond your toes.

4. Depth: Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as your flexibility allows.

5. Drive Up: Push through your heels to return to the starting position, engaging the muscles in the legs and glutes.


Woodchoppers are dynamic exercises that simulate the motion of chopping wood. This movement enhances rotational strength and stability and is optimal for core and oblique development. 


1. Setup: Attach a resistance band (affiliate link) or cable at shoulder height, standing sideways to the anchor point with feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Initial Position: Grab the handle with both hands, arms extended diagonally down in front of one hip.

3. Chopping Motion: Pivot on your back foot, rotate your torso, and pull the handle diagonally across your body. As you chop, engage your core and exhale.

4. Return to Starting Position: Control the movement as you return the handle to the initial position.

Wrist Curls

Wrist curls are essential for targeting the muscles in the forearms while promoting strength and stability in the wrists. Whether for improved grip strength or injury prevention, incorporating wrist curls into your routine can be beneficial for areas of the body that are usually neglected.


1. Setup: Sit or stand with a lighter dumbbell (affiliate link) in each hand, palms facing up, and wrists resting on a bench or a flat surface.

2. Flexion (Palms Up): Lift the dumbbells by flexing your wrists upward, keeping your forearms stable and elbows slightly bent.

3. Extension (Palms Down): Reverse the motion, lowering the dumbbells by extending your wrists downward.

4. Controlled Movements: Ensure controlled and deliberate movements throughout to maximize muscle engagement and minimize the risk of injury.

Wiper Planks

Wiper planks are a challenging variation of the traditional plank exercise, adding a dynamic element to engage the obliques and core. This exercise enhances stability and promotes lateral movement in the torso. 


1. Starting Position: Begin in a plank position with your elbows directly under your shoulders, maintaining a straight line from head to heels.

2. Engage Core: Tighten your core muscles to stabilize the body and prevent excessive movement.

3. Hip Rotation: While keeping your upper body stable, rotate your hips to one side, lowering them towards the floor.

4. Return to Center: Lift your hips back to the starting position and repeat the movement, alternating sides.

5. Controlled Movements: Execute the wiper motion in a controlled manner, emphasizing muscle engagement over speed.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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