9 Exercises That Start With K

9 Exercises That Start With K

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as K, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with K include kettlebell swings, knee raises, knee-to-elbow plank, kettlebell lunges, kickboxing, kickbacks, kipping pull-ups, karate kicks, and king pigeon pose.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.

Kettlebell Swings

Swinging a kettlebell is a fun and efficient way to increase your strength, power, and cardiovascular endurance. This full-body exercise is well-liked for functional training because it works the shoulders, hips, glutes, and core.

Add kettlebell swings to your routine for a full-body, effective, and dynamic workout.


1. Pick the Correct Weight: Pick a kettlebell (affiliate link) weight that is both challenging and suitable for maintaining the correct form.

2. Posture: Place your toes forward and your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The kettlebell should be placed between your feet on the ground.

3. Hinge at the Hips: Bend at the hips while maintaining a straight back and an erect chest. Using both hands, hold the kettlebell.

4. Swing Back: Keep your knees slightly bent as you swing the kettlebell back between your legs.

5. Strong Hip Thrust: Explosively drive your hips forward to raise the kettlebell to your chest. Maintain a straight arm position while utilizing the hip-generated momentum.

6. Controlled Descent: After letting the kettlebell swing back and forth between your legs, execute the hip thrust once more for the subsequent repetition.

Knee Raises

A basic abdominal exercise that works the lower abdominal muscles and activates the hip flexors is the knee raise. Knee raises are a focused and efficient exercise to strengthen your core and enhance overall abdominal definition. Consistently include them in your workout routine for great results.


1. Hang Securely: Make sure your arms are fully extended before starting to hang from a pull-up bar using an overhand grip.

2. Maintain Body Position: To prevent swinging, keep your torso straight and contract your core muscles.

3. Lift Knees: Using your abdominal muscles to start the movement, bend your knees and bring them up to your chest.

4. Contract Abs: To enhance the engagement, contract your abdominal muscles at the peak of the exercise.

5. Lower with Control: Return to the starting position by lowering your knees in a methodical and controlled manner; do not swing or use momentum.

Knee-to-Elbow Plank

An efficient core exercise that improves abdominal strength and stability is the knee-to-elbow plank. This dynamic movement improves overall body control and works the rectus abdominis and obliques. Knee-to-elbow planks are a tough exercise that can help you improve your overall stability.


1. Starting Position: Form a straight line from your head to your heels by starting in a plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders.

2. Engage Core: To keep your plank posture steady, contract your core muscles.

3. Lift Knee Towards Elbow: Contract your obliques as you carefully and deliberately bring one knee to the opposing elbow.

4. Pause and Squeeze: Feel the contraction in your abdominal muscles as you hold the knee near the elbow for a brief period of time.

5. Return to Plank: Stretch your leg back to the position where you began the plank.

6. Switch Sides: Carry out the motion again on the opposite side, bringing the opposing knee in the direction of the opposing elbow.

Kettlebell Lunges

Strength, stability, and flexibility are enhanced by kettlebell lunges, an effective exercise that combines the advantages of lunges with the extra challenge of kettlebell resistance. This exercise works the glutes, the core, and the muscles in the legs. 

To improve the strength and stability of your lower body, include kettlebell lunges in your exercise regimen.


1. Beginning Position: Choose a suitable kettlebell weight and grasp the kettlebells firmly at your sides while standing with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Step Forward: Lower your body into a lunge position by taking a deliberate step forward with one leg.

3. Back Knee Bend: Maintain the front knee exactly over the ankle while bending the back knee toward the ground.

4. Maintain Upright Torso: To guarantee correct alignment, keep your torso upright and contract your core.

5. Push Back: To get back to where you were before, push off your front foot.

6. Alternate Legs: Step forward and make a lunge while repeating the motion with the opposing leg.


Kickboxing is a fast-paced, high-intensity workout that mixes cardiovascular and martial arts training. This full-body exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress and helps with strength, agility, and endurance. 

You can get a great kickboxing workout that improves your physical health and martial arts abilities by following these steps.


1. Warm-Up: To get the body ready for strenuous exercises, start with a gentle warm-up that includes jumping jacks, high knees, and dynamic stretches.

2. Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and your fists protecting your face in the correct kickboxing stance.

3. Jabs and Crosses: To begin, practice basic punching techniques like jabs and crosses. Make sure to keep good form and rotate your hips with each blow.

4. Kicks: Use lower body muscles by incorporating kicks like side, roundhouse, and front kicks.

5. Combination Strikes: Advance to this type of strike by skillfully alternating between punches and kicks.

6. Defense Techniques: Work on your evasive footwork, blocking, and ducking techniques.

7. Cool Down: Conclude with a static stretch to increase your range of motion and avoid tense muscles.


Exercises for the triceps that concentrate on the muscles on the back of the arms, such as kickbacks, help to define and strengthen the arms. To get the most out of this exercise and increase its effectiveness, you must master proper form, whether you're using resistance bands (affiliate link) or dumbbells. 

Kickbacks are a great way to add definition and tone to your triceps during strength training.


1. Starting Position: Take a dumbbell in each hand to start. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight and bend your knees slightly.

2. Hinge at the Hips: Lower your upper body until it is nearly parallel to the floor by bending at the hips. Make sure your elbows and upper arms are at a 90-degree angle and stay close to your body.

3. Stretch the Arms: While keeping your upper arms still, extend your arms straight behind you to their maximum length.

4. Squeeze the Triceps: For ultimate contraction, squeeze your triceps for a brief period of time at the top of the exercise.

5. Return to Starting Position: With deliberate movement, slowly lower the weights to the beginning position.

Kipping Pull-Ups

A dynamic take on the classic pull-up that is popular in CrossFit workouts, the kipping pull-up uses a rhythmic swinging motion to build momentum and increase the movement's efficiency for performing sets of repetitions. This workout strengthens the entire body and tests not just the upper body but also the core. 

To make your upper body workout more interesting and challenging, include kipping pull-ups into your routine.


1. Grip and Hang: To begin, place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the pull-up bar. Hang with your arms outstretched from the bar.

2. Start the Swing: Exert your hips to swing your body backward, and then rapidly swing your legs forward to gain momentum.

3. Hip Drive: Push your hips toward the bar to start a strong hip drive as your legs swing forward. Meanwhile, draw your chest in the direction of the bar.

4. Pull-Up Motion: Bend your elbows to raise yourself as your chest touches the bar. The pull-up is completed with the assistance of the hip drive momentum.

5. Return to Hang: As you prepare to begin the next kipping pull-up, lower yourself back to the beginning position.

Karate Kicks

Karate kicks are strong, explosive movements that are essential to martial arts techniques and a great way to build flexibility and strength in the lower body. Regularly practicing these karate kicks improves your coordination as well.


1. Stance: Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly to start in a stable and balanced stance.

2. Front Kick (Mae Geri): Bring your knee up to your chest and kick forward, using the ball of your foot to strike.

3. Side Kick (Yoko Geri): Turn on the foot that is supporting you, lift your knee, and extend your leg sideways, making contact with the outside of your foot.

4. Roundhouse Kick (Mawashi Geri): To make contact with the instep or ball of the foot, pivot on the supporting foot, swing the knee across the body, and snap the foot in a circular motion.

5. Ushiro Geri Back Kick: Turn your body away from the opponent, lift your knee, and extend your leg backward to land a heel strike.

King Pigeon Pose

Rajakapotasana, also known as King Pigeon Pose in yoga, is a challenging backbend that integrates strength, flexibility, and balance. This pose stretches the hip flexors, opens the chest, and encourages calmness. Regularly perform the lovely yoga pose known as King Pigeon Pose to increase your flexibility and benefit from its balancing properties.


1. Warm-Up: To prepare your body, start with a thorough warm-up that emphasizes back-stretching and hip-opening movements.

2. Starting Position: Sliding one knee forward toward the wrist from a tabletop position, bring the ankle up to the wrist across from it.

3. Extend the Leg: Make sure your hips are square to the front as you extend the opposing leg straight back behind you.

4. Backbend: Start by arching your back, raising your chest to the ceiling, and then reach back with the hand on the same side to grasp the foot of the extended leg.

5. Square Shoulders: Maintain a neutral neck posture by squaring your shoulders to the front.

6. Hold and Breathe: Hold the pose while keeping the stretch and concentrating on taking steady breaths. Switch sides and release gently.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

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