9 Exercises That Start With Y

9 Exercises That Start With Y

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as Y, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with Y include yoga, Y-raises, yolk walks, yawn stretch, yanma, yachting, yosakoi, yantrasana, and yoga ball exercises.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.


Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, you can adapt the practice to your level and needs, gradually increasing complexity. Consistent yoga practice fosters flexibility, strength, and inner peace.


1. Breathing (Pranayama): Start with deep, conscious breaths (Ujjayi breath) to center the mind and increase oxygen flow.

2. Warm-Up (sun salutations): Perform a series of sun salutations to gently warm up the body, linking breath with movement.

3. Asanas (Postures): Move through a sequence of asanas, holding each pose for several breaths. Include standing, seated, and balancing poses.

4. Cool Down (restorative poses): Wind down with restorative poses, such as Child's Pose or Savasana, promoting relaxation.

5. Meditation: Conclude with a brief meditation, focusing on your breath or a guided visualization.


Y-raises are a targeted exercise for strengthening the posterior deltoids and upper back muscles, contributing to improved shoulder stability and posture. This isolation movement involves lifting the arms in a Y-shaped motion, and you can use dumbbells (affiliate link) or resistance bands (affiliate link). 


1. Starting Position: Lie facedown on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand, hanging directly below your shoulders.

2. Palms Facing In: Begin with your palms facing each other and arms fully extended toward the floor.

3. Lift in a Y-Shape: Initiate the movement by raising both arms in a Y-shape, lifting them diagonally away from your body.

4. Squeeze at the Top: When your arms are at shoulder height, hold the top position for a moment, contracting your rear deltoids.

5. Lower with Control: Lower the dumbbells back down in a controlled manner, maintaining tension in the rear delts.

Yolk Walks

Yoke walks are a robust strength and stability exercise commonly seen in strongman training, challenging individuals to carry a heavy yoke or frame across their shoulders and walk. This exercise targets the entire body, emphasizing core, leg, and upper back strength. 


1. Adjust the Yoke: Set the yoke at an appropriate height, ensuring it rests comfortably across your shoulders with the weight evenly distributed.

2. Brace Core: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, brace your core, and lift the yoke onto your shoulders.

3. Initiate Walk: Take small, controlled steps forward while maintaining an upright posture and focusing on stability.

4. Maintain Control: Walk the predetermined distance, keeping the yoke stable and under control.

Yawn Stretch

The yawn stretch is a simple yet effective way to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders, mimicking the soothing motion of a yawn. This stretch is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing stiffness from prolonged periods of sitting or stress. 


1. Seated or Standing Position: Sit or stand comfortably with a straight spine, allowing for a better range of motion.

2. Interlace Fingers: Interlace your fingers and turn your palms outward, extending your arms straight in front of you.

3. Elevate Arms: Inhale deeply, then exhale as you slowly lift your interlaced hands overhead, reaching towards the ceiling.

4. Stretch and Yawn Motion: As you reach upward, allow your head to tilt back slightly, and stretch as if you were yawning.

5. Hold and Release: Hold the stretch for a few seconds, feeling the gentle release in the neck and shoulders. Exhale and return to the starting position.


Yanma, a stability exercise using an exercise ball, adds a dynamic challenge to your workout routine, targeting core strength and stability. This exercise involves controlled movements on the ball to engage various muscle groups. 


1. Ball Placement: Sit on the exercise ball, ensuring it is appropriately sized for your height and stability. Tighten your abdominal muscles to stabilize your body on the ball.

2. Circular Movements: Begin making circular motions with your hips on the ball, focusing on control and balance.

3. Direction Change: After a set duration or repetitions, change the direction of the circular movements.

4. Controlled Pace: Perform Yanma exercises at a controlled pace, emphasizing proper form over speed.


Yachting — inspired by rowing motions — is a dynamic workout engaging various muscle groups and promoting cardiovascular fitness. Whether performed on a rowing machine or in an actual boat, this exercise enhances overall endurance and strength. 


1. Seated Position: Whether on a rowing machine or in a boat, start in a seated position with a straight back and knees slightly bent.

2. Grip the Oars (or Handle): Hold the oars or rowing machine handle with an overhand grip, ensuring a comfortable hand position.

3. Drive Phase: Push through your legs, extending them, and pull the oars or rowing machine handle towards your chest.

4. Recovery Phase: Straighten your arms, hinge at the hips, and bend your knees to return to the starting position.

5. Repeat: Continue the fluid motion, alternating between the drive and recovery phases for an effective yachting exercise.


Yosakoi is a vibrant and energetic Japanese dance form that combines traditional and modern movements, often performed in festivals and celebrations. This dynamic dance style involves expressive choreography and upbeat music, making it an engaging and enjoyable form of exercise.


1. Learn Basic Steps: Start by mastering basic Yosakoi steps, including side steps, hops, and arm movements.

2. Coordinate with a Group: Yosakoi is often performed in groups, emphasizing coordination and synchronization with fellow dancers.

3. Expressive Arm Movements: Incorporate expressive arm movements, such as waving, clapping, and forming shapes, adding flair to the performance.

4. Practice with Music: Choose lively Yosakoi music and practice the dance routine in sync with the rhythm.

5. Embrace Energetic Spirit: Infuse the dance with energy, enthusiasm, and a sense of celebration, capturing the lively essence of Yosakoi.


Yantrasana, also known as the reclining hero pose in yoga, is a challenging and advanced asana that provides a deep stretch to the thighs, knees, and ankles. This pose requires flexibility and strength in the lower body and is often included in yoga practices for its grounding and hip-opening benefits. 


1. Starting Position: Begin in a kneeling position with your glutes resting on your heels and your spine upright.

2. Separate the Knees: Open your knees wider than hip-width apart, creating space for your torso to move through.

3. Lean Backward: Slowly lean backward, reaching your hands toward the floor behind you.

4. Arch the Back: As you continue to lean back, arch your back and bring the crown of your head to the floor.

5. Extend the Arms: Reach the arms overhead, keeping them straight and parallel to each other. Hold this position for the desired amount of time.

Yoga Ball Exercises

Yoga ball exercises, also known as stability ball exercises, are an excellent way to enhance core strength, stability, and flexibility. The inflatable ball adds an element of instability, engaging various muscle groups and promoting better balance. 


1. Ball Plank:

  • Starting Position: Place your hands on the ball and assume a plank position.

  • Exercise: Hold the plank, engaging your core muscles while keeping the ball stable.

2. Ball Bridge:

  • Starting Position: Lie on your back with your feet on the ball.

  • Exercise: Lift your hips towards the ceiling, creating a bridge while keeping the ball steady.

3. Ball Rollouts:

  • Starting Position: Kneel with the ball in front of you.

  • Exercise: Roll the ball forward, extending your body, then roll it back to engage your core.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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