9 Exercises That Start With U

9 Exercises That Start With U

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Are you looking for some inspiration to switch up your workout routine? Why not try exercises that start with a letter? By simply doing exercises that start with a letter, such as U, you can introduce creativity into your routine and challenge yourself to try new exercises.

Nine exercises that start with U include upright rows, underhand grip lat pulldowns, upward dog, upper cuts, up and over box jumps, uneven push-ups, udarakarshanasana, unilateral leg press, and ulnar deviation exercises.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of each of these exercises and how to conduct them.

Upright Rows

Strengthening and defining the muscles in the upper back and shoulders is achieved with the help of the effective exercise known as upright rows. This exercise can add to a comprehensive upper-body workout when done correctly. 

Upright rows are a compound exercise that works the deltoids and trapezius muscles by lifting weights in the direction of the shoulders. To avoid putting undue strain on the shoulders, maintain good posture and refrain from lifting weights that are too heavy. Incorporate straight rows into your exercise regimen to develop strong shoulder muscles.


1. Beginning Position: Using an overhand grip, hold a barbell (affiliate link) or dumbbells (affiliate link) in front of your thighs while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Raise the Weights: Lift the weights in the direction of your shoulders, making sure to keep your elbows close to your body and higher than your wrists.

3. Squeeze at the Top: To enhance engagement, squeeze your shoulder muscles for a brief period of time at the peak of the exercise.

4. Lower the Weights: Carefully lower the weights back to their initial position.

Underhand Grip Lat Pulldowns

An excellent variation of the traditional lat pulldown exercise that targets the biceps and upper back muscles is the underhand grip lat pulldown. This variation offers an alternative point of contact, encouraging a comprehensive upper-body exercise. 


1. Set-Up: Take a seat at a lat pulldown machine and place your knees firmly beneath the pads. To make the weight manageable, adjust it.

2. Underhand Grip: Hold the bar with your hands a bit closer together than shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing you.

3. Straight Back: Keep your back straight and slightly slouched from the hips while maintaining an erect stance.

4. Pull the Bar Down: Lower the bar to your chest and bring your elbows to your sides to start the exercise.

5. Squeeze and Release: At the bottom of the exercise, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Then, gradually release the bar to return to the beginning position.

Upward Dog

In yoga, upward dog, also known as Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, is a restorative pose that strengthens the arms and back and stretches the front of the body. This posture, which encourages better posture and flexibility, is frequently included in the Sun Salutation sequence. 


1. Starting Position: Start by lying face down on the mat.

2. Hand Positioning: With your fingers pointing forward, place your palms on the mat next to your lower ribs.

3. Push Up Into an Inverted V Shape: Breathe in and push your glutes back as you lift your torso and thighs off the mat by pressing into your hands and straightening your arms. Spread your fingers wide to place pressure on them evenly.

4. Arch the Back: Keep your shoulders away from your ears as you arch your back, opening your chest and raising your gaze upward.

5. Hold and Breathe: Maintain the position while taking deep breaths and keeping your core strong. 


Uppercuts are strong boxing blows that aim for the chin of the opposition, which makes them a useful component of combos. The impact of uppercuts is increased when proper technique and body movement are used. 

Use uppercuts in your boxing or fitness regimen to enhance your power, cardiovascular endurance, and striking abilities.


1. Stance: Start in a balanced boxing stance, protecting your face with your hands, your weight on the balls of your feet, and your knees slightly bent.

2. Generate Hip Rotation: To start an uppercut, turn your shoulders and hips to add force to the blow.

3. Elbow Bend: Make a sharp angle by keeping the elbow of your striking hand close to your body.

4. Upward Motion: Strike your opponent's chin or body with an upward and forward motion of your fist.

5. Rotate Back: Return to the starting position by rotating your shoulders and hips after the punch.

Up and Over Box Jumps

Dynamic plyometric exercises like up-and-over box jumps improve the strength, power, and agility of the lower body. This exercise calls for precise coordination and explosive strength as you jump onto and over a box. 


1. Box Setup: To ensure a safe landing, position a sturdy box or platform in front of you at a height that challenges you but is manageable.

2. Beginning Position: As you prepare to launch yourself into the jump, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Leap Into the Box: Leap into the box's center while bringing your knees up to your chest.

4. Land Softly: Make sure to land carefully and softly, absorbing the force with your legs.

5. Lateral Jump: Leap laterally off one side of the box from the top, completely clearing it.

6. Land and Repeat: After landing safely on the other side of the box, jump back and forth to repeat the sequence immediately.

Uneven Push-Ups

A difficult version of the classic push-up that works the triceps, shoulders, and chest in addition to activating the stabilizing muscles is the uneven push-up. This exercise is especially good for correcting muscle imbalances and strengthening one side of the body. 


1. Set Up: Lie in a plank position with one hand on the floor and the other on an elevated object, like a medicine ball or block.

2. Body Alignment: Keep your torso and legs in a straight line while using your core muscles.

3. Lower the Chest: Maintain a straight body while lowering your chest toward the ground and bending your elbows.

4. Push-Up: Extend your arms fully and push yourself back up to the starting position.

5. Switch Sides: To guarantee balanced muscle development, swap where your hands are placed once you've completed the required number of repetitions.


The yoga pose known as Udarakarshanasana, or seated twist, stretches the torso, works the abdominal muscles, and improves spinal flexibility. This sitting twist helps with digestion and detoxification in addition to being good for the spine. 


1. Beginning Position: Sit with your legs out in front of you, maintaining a straight back and relaxed shoulders.

2. Bend the Right Knee: Place your right foot on the outside of the left hip by bending the right knee and crossing it over the left leg.

3. Twist Inward: Take a breath, extend your spine, and then, as you release the breath, take a right twist that places your left elbow on the outside of your right knee.

4. Hold and Breathe: Keep the twist in place while taking deep breaths and noticing how your spine and chest are stretched.

5. Release and Repeat: Breathe out as you relax, stretch both legs, and carry out the twist once more on the opposite side.

Unilateral Leg Press

A focused exercise that addresses muscular imbalances and increases overall lower body strength is the unilateral leg press. This exercise modifies the standard leg press by concentrating on strengthening and improving balance by working one leg at a time.


1. Set Up the Machine: Ensure that the footplate and seat are positioned correctly by adjusting the leg press machine. Use a moderate weight to begin.

2. Single-Leg Positioning: While seated, place one foot on the footplate and keep the other leg bent or raised to a comfortable angle.

3. Pushing Movement: To push the footplate away, extend the knee and hip by applying pressure through the working leg's heel.

4. Controlled Return: Bend your knee slowly and bring the footplate back to you in a deliberate manner.

5. Repeat on the Other Leg: Change to your other leg and repeat the previous set of exercises with the same number of reps.

Ulnar Deviation Exercises

Exercises for ulnar deviation are crucial for building the strength of the muscles that move the hand to the ulna side of the forearm, which enhances wrist flexibility and stability. Those looking to strengthen their grip and enhance their overall wrist function should consider these exercises. 


1. Wrist Flexor Stretch: 

  • Set-Up: Start by extending your arm in front of you, palm downward.

  • Motion: Feel a stretch along the forearm as you gently press the fingers towards the ulnar side with the opposing hand.

2. Rubber Band Ulnar Deviation: 

  • Setup: Encircle your thumb and fingers with a rubber band.

  • Motion: Concentrating on the ulnar deviation, move your hand laterally against the band's resistance.

Also, if you are choosing to only exercise at home, be sure to consider our list of recommended at-home workout equipment (affiliate link) to add variety and resistance to your routine!

This article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

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