5 Exercises to Help Put Socks On Easier

5 Exercises to Help Put Socks On Easier

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Putting on socks may seem like a mundane task, but it can be quite challenging for some individuals. Physical impairments, such as hip or knee arthritis, limited mobility, or tightness in the lower body, can make it difficult to bend down and reach your feet. Fortunately, there are several exercises that can help improve your flexibility and make putting on socks easier.

In this article, we will shed light on why it's hard to put on socks and provide some helpful tips and exercises to make the task easier.

Why Is It Hard for Me to Put Socks On?

Pair of socks.

Several physical impairments can make putting socks on very difficult. These include hip or knee arthritis, obesity, poor flexibility, and limited mobility. As we age, our muscles and joints can become stiffer, making it harder to bend down and reach our feet. 

Another way to protect your feet and make putting on socks easier is by enveloping them in protective layers. Compression socks or woven cloth wraps can help reduce swelling, improve circulation, and provide a barrier between your skin and the sock material. 

Shoes are the next most worn object after socks, and they can have a significant impact on your foot health and mobility. Make sure you wear a trusty pair of shoes that fit well and provide adequate support and cushioning.

How Do You Wear Socks With Hip Arthritis?

Man with hip arthritis.

Hip arthritis can make it difficult to bend down and reach your feet. Here are some tips to make putting on socks easier.

  • Use a sock aid: A sock aid (affiliate link) is a device that helps you pull up your socks without bending over. It's a simple tool that consists of a plastic or metal frame with two cords attached to it. You place the sock over the frame, insert your foot, and pull the cords to pull up the sock.

  • Use a long-handled shoehorn: A long-handled shoehorn (affiliate link) can also help you put on your socks without bending down. You insert the sock onto the shoehorn, then slide your foot into the sock. Use the shoehorn to push the sock up your leg.

5 Exercises to Make Putting Your Socks On Easier

Seated hamstring stretch.

Lifting weights and strength training can help improve overall muscle strength and mobility, making it easier to bend over and reach your feet. Try exercises such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts to target the muscles in your legs and hips.

1. Seated Hamstring Stretch

This exercise helps to loosen up tight hamstrings, making it easier to reach your feet.


  1. Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your back straight.

  2. Straighten one leg out in front of you and rest your heel on the floor.

  3. Keeping your back straight, lean forward from your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh.

  4. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, and then switch legs.

  5. Repeat this stretch 3-5 times on each leg.

2. Knee-to-Chest Stretch

This stretch helps to improve flexibility in your lower back, hips, and hamstrings.


  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  2. Bring one knee up towards your chest and use both hands to hold the knee in place.

  3. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds and then release.

  4. Repeat on the other side.

  5. Do 3-5 repetitions on each leg.

3. Seated Figure-Four Stretch

This stretch targets your hips and glutes, which can get tight and make it difficult to reach your feet.


  1. Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor.

  2. Cross your right ankle over your left knee, creating a figure-four shape with your legs.

  3. Keeping your back straight, gently lean forward until you feel a stretch in your right hip and glute.

  4. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then release.

  5. Repeat on the other side.

  6. Do 3-5 repetitions on each leg.

4. Standing Hamstring Stretch

This exercise helps to stretch the back of your legs, making it easier to reach your feet.


  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

  2. Step your right foot forward about a foot or so and place your heel on the floor.

  3. Keep your right leg straight and hinge forward from your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your right leg.

  4. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds and then release.

  5. Repeat on the other leg.

  6. Do 3-5 repetitions on each leg.

5. Supine Pigeon Stretch

This stretch targets your hips and glutes, helping to loosen them up so you can reach your feet more easily.


  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  2. Cross your right ankle over your left knee, creating a figure-four shape with your legs.

  3. Use both hands to gently pull your left knee towards your chest until you feel a stretch in your right hip and glute.

  4. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then release.

  5. Repeat on the right knee.

  6. Do 3-5 repetitions on each leg.

Final Thoughts

Putting on socks can be challenging for some individuals, but it doesn't have to be. By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can improve your flexibility and make putting on socks easier. Remember to be patient and consistent with your exercises, and don't hesitate to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you put on socks when you can't reach your feet?

Try using a sock-aid or long-handled shoehorn as described above. Alternatively, ask for assistance from a caregiver or family member.

Is there an easy way to put on socks?

Yes, there are some tips and tricks that can make putting on socks easier, especially if you have limited mobility or flexibility. Here are a few.

  1. Roll the sock down: Start by rolling the sock down to the toe so that the top of the sock is inside out.

  2. Use your toes: Hold the top of the sock with one hand and use your other hand to grab the toe of the sock. Use your toes to guide the toe of the sock onto your foot.

  3. Slide your foot in: Once the toe of the sock is in place, use your hands to guide the rest of the sock over your heel and up your leg.

  4. Use a sock aid: As mentioned earlier, a sock aid can be a helpful tool for putting on socks if you have difficulty reaching your feet.

  5. Try compression socks: Compression socks are designed to be tighter around the foot and ankle, making them easier to put on than regular socks. They can also improve circulation and reduce swelling in the legs and feet.

Why can't I bend to put socks on?

There are several reasons why you may have difficulty bending to put on your socks. Aging, injury, obesity, or other health conditions are a few possibilities. Being able to maintain balance is crucial when putting on socks, especially if you have difficulty reaching your feet. Tai chi is an excellent exercise for improving balance and stability as well, as it focuses on slow, controlled movements and breathing techniques.

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